At this time, the metal railings were still in place in the front gardens and there were no driveways. The photograph also pre-dates the road down to the Sports Club and the play park. Some of the houses on this stretch of the street retain their original names. Back in the time of this photo, from the top of Victoria Road (at the Leven Road junction) the house names were: Montpelier; Middleton; Treaton; Greystone Lea; Ardmay; Glenisla; Hazelrig; and Edzell (with its gable end closest to the camera).
The grassy area in the foreground would have been well-used though. Football matches and fetes would have been held there. Also, possibly Scout or Guide camps, or other groups. In fact the postcard above (posted c1930) has a message on its reverse side as follows: "Having great weather here at Camp. I have not much to say but this is a post to let you know I have not forgotten you." Perhaps this postcard was selected because the camp was right on this spot?