In 1898, the St Andrews Citizen of 30 April, noted that "an addition to Mr J. Myles' villa has just been finished". This "addition" refers to the portion of the house closest to the camera in the above image. The original house was a little more symmetrical in design, with the front entrance in the centre and a chimney stack at either end of the roof. The extra wing was added to accommodate Mr Myles unmarried daughter. The same newspaper also reported that "Mr Archibald White has almost finished the erection of a shop and house, for Mr Douglas, Butcher, Leven" and that "a posting establishment is also being built for Mr James Elder". The shop, also on Leven Road, still houses a butcher to this day. The 'posting establishment' was a place for hiring horse-drawn transport and was located in the northernmost portion of the old stabling/garage once found in Woodielea Road (the other portion was stabling for the Lundin Links Hotel).
In recent years, Beechwood has undergone further building work, and now comprises three self-contained dwellings.