Thanks to University of Aberdeen for permission to share the image.
Photo © University of Aberdeen / Special Collections Centre
The atmosphere of the image is greatly enhanced by the presence of a horse and cart and by the young chap leaning on the window of the painter's premises, owned by Robert Blair Forrester, master painter. The road looks in need of a good sweep and some of the old cottages at the far end of the left side of the street (no doubt the setting of much hand loom weaving) are shortly to be taken down. At the far end of the street on the right a vehicle is parked which was likely involved in the construction of the Lundin Links Hotel. The fine detail from the picture, shown at the foot of this post, is of the part-completed roof of the hotel. You can see through the bare rafters to the trees beyond and a couple of chimney stacks are finished. Change was in the air at this time and this photograph captures both the old and the new, and the sense of transition.