"All spinning and weaving has ceased for many years now (1932), but in 1872, when my grandfather, John Jeffery, came as tenant to Largo House, there were still a good many hand-looms both in Upper Largo and in Lundin Links, though these did not go on long after that."
....and in a later section...
"The linen industry in Largo steadily decayed from the time of the introduction of power looms in Kirkcaldy and Dunfermiline, until by the end of the nineteenth century there were no hand looms left. In 1872 there were still a good many hand-loom weavers, especially in Lundin Mill and Lower Largo, and my mother has often told me of old men who used to come to the station and say to my grandfather, "won't you give me a wab Mr Jeffrey, " and I'm glad to think that as long as they lived he did give them webs enough to keep them employed."
Based at Balsusney for many years, John oversaw the building of Balsusney Works, which was a major power loom factory in the district. It would continue to flourish many decades after John Jeffrey's death.
"We deeply regret to record today the demise of our valued and highly-esteemed townsman, Mr John Jeffrey, of Balsusney and Largo House. The event, not entirely unlooked for since the beginning of the week, occurred on Thursday afternoon at Largo, after a protracted illness.... Mr Jeffery was a gentleman of a naturally studious mind, and of fine literary tastes. He was a great reader, who derived much real pleasure and profit from books, from which, combined with his travelling experiences in many lands, he possessed an almost unlimited fund of knowledge"
The article spoke also of his role in establishing Kirkcaldy Musical Society and his special interest in plants and trees. He worked alongside Mr Charles Howie, late secretary of the Largo Field Naturalists' Society on the 1879 book "The Trees and Shrubs of Fife and Kinross". Jeffery was also a Justice of the Peace for the county of Fifeshire. Suffering the loss of his wife and his son in the late years of his life, John Jeffery was survived by his two daughters, Helen and Margaret.