During Rev. Campbell's time at Largo, a new electric organ was given to the church by Miss Annie Guthrie (in 1974), replacing the long-used reed organ. Also in 1985 he was part of the joint celebrations, with Largo and Newburn Parish Church and Largo St David's Church, to mark 1100 years of Christian worship in Largo. The photograph below from the 1 May 1985 East Fife Mail shows the ministers of all three Largo churches at a service of thanksgiving and dedication at Largo Kirk.
However, an unexpected new chapter was in fact about to begin. The thriving Baptist Church in Leven (itself originally established as an off-shoot of Largo Baptist Church in 1892) had a number of members living in the Largo area, some of whom were very interested in reviving the Largo Church. To test the water, the Leven congregation held a number of summer services at Largo in 1988. These were received positively and so further services were planned, a committee was set up and the 'Largo-Lundie Baptist Fellowship' was created. Monthly services were held between 1989 and 1992. However, these mostly had to be held in the Montrave Hall in Lundin Links due to issues with the heating system in the church building itself.
In 1991, after much consideration over the best venue for the now well-established fellowship, a refurbishment of the Largo Baptist Church building went ahead, including improvements to the heating and the installation of a new pulpit and communion table. A re-opening ceremony took place on Saturday 4th April 1992, which was attended by almost 100 people. The photograph below from the East Fife Mail shows the key individuals involved in the re-establishment of the church.
While the church continued for some years beyond that, the building has been largely unused in recent times. Issues such as a lack of disabled access, inadequate toilet facilities, limited parking and unsatisfactory fire safety provision have become significant constraints for its continuation as a modern church. With the future of the 150-year-old-building uncertain, we finish off this series with a selection of images of the interior of Largo Baptist Church - courtesy of the 'Places of Worship in Scotland' website.