"Nothing pleased Miss Rintoul more than to visit a new part of Scotland and make the acquaintance of fresh birds and, no matter how strenuous the walking might be, or how inclement the weather, she was always cheerful; indeed it was characteristic of her to get the very most out of life. In the course of her long life she studied birds throughout the length and breadth of Scotland, and there were few of the rarer breeding species she was not acquainted with."
Between 1907 and 1933 Miss Rintoul and Miss Baxter would spend time on the Isle of May during both Spring and Autumn migrations. As previously mentioned in earlier posts she would become instrumental in the founding of the Scottish Ornithologists' Club and would publish several works with Evelyn Baxter.

Sadly, Leonora Rintoul would die shortly before the actual publication of her landmark two volume work on 'The Birds of Scotland - Their History, Distribution and Migration' authorised jointly with Evelyn Baxter. However, this work continues to act as a monument to her name. She passed away at her home in Upper Largo, named 'Balsusney', after her mother's childhood home in Kirkcaldy, situated just yards away from Miss Baxter's home 'The Grove'. Her death on May 22 1953 apparently took place the day after she had taken a drive, which she had enjoyed immensely, around old haunts with her dear friend Miss Baxter.