With summer on the way - here's a couple of views of Lundin Links beach at Masseney Braes - one in each direction. The top image looks towards Lower Largo on a busy, warm day, probably around 1950. The building on the left hand edge with the tiled roof was the old salt works panhouse (later a joiner's workshop). The older postcard below shows the view from the same section of sea wall but looking towards Leven direction. This early 20th century scene is even busier than the 1950 one. These people may have been a mix of summer visitors, locals and day trippers. This spot was very close to the railway station and the iron bridge in the distance on the right took people over the rail track from the station to the beach. Although the bridge was removed over 40 years ago, some locals still refer to going for a walk 'past the iron bridge'.
1 Comment
Alistair Bryden
25/3/2016 10:19:16 pm
Small and uncharacteristic error in geography here. The Iron bridge was at the end of Victoria Road nowhere near the station. To get to the beach from the station you walked west and then under the railway and across the right of way to the beach.
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