The shop to which the writer refers was a Newsagent and Stationery shop run by Mrs Christina Young. She lived at 2 Bridge House and was a widow with three young children. Mrs Menzies said of this shop-keeper "her patience was inexhaustible." These valuable recollections, covered over the past several posts, finish with the following words:
"Down to the left was that block of houses near the burn. I have been told that the reason the houses are below road level was that there was a ford across the burn and that the road was raised for the bridge over the burn....The baker's shop with the bakehouse down the steps was there and up on the hill was Lundin Mill farmhouse looking solid and substantial as it does now. The cottage was behind it and the bothy at the end of the outbuildings. The road went on past Jimmie Brown's garden and house and on to Cupar, where they say all roads in Fife lead."