The model itself will be on display as an installation in the foyer of the Largo Library and Community Hub on Crescent Road, Lundin Links during Largo Arts Week. Display boards with photographs and detailed information about the mill will accompany the model. Arts Week runs 17-25 July 2021.
Below is an aerial view which clearly shows the layout of the buildings on the site. The Mill Cottage is set back, elevated beside the dam. Harbour Wynd runs up the right hand side of the scene. In the centre-ground from left to right are the gasworks/forge (partly obscured by trees); the main mill (centre with many windows); the steam engine house (to the immediate right of main mill); and the oil refining house / office (formerly the spinning mill flax heckling house (angled on the left). In the foreground is the viaduct, with the track visible. The Keil Burn runs through one of the arches and a ford can be made out just above the line of the viaduct. The ford is shown in greater detail further below.
Note the many tiny details within the model, such as the mill's bell tower, flights of steps, barrels and small bridges over the sluices. The landscaping features are also incredibly detailed. Best seen in full 3-D and up close but if you can't make it along to the installation at the library this summer I hope that these photos provide a sense of the huge amount of work that has gone into producing this showpiece. If you would like to learn more about the history of the site and read further details on its buildings and infrastructure, take a look at this series of in-depth posts (content created by John Band):
Reading the content of the above posts in conjunction with viewing these images of the model should transport you right back to circa 1870.